Lindberg CG, Hammarstrom LE, Holmin T, Lundstedt C  Cholangiographic appearance of bile-duct cysts. Abdom Imaging 1998 Nov-Dec;23(6):611-5

                       Bile-duct cysts or congenital bile-duct dilatation are rare but important abnormalities often
                       mimicking calculous biliary tract disease. Bile-duct cysts are most often classified according to
                       Todani. In a retrospective study of percutaneous, peroperative or endoscopic cholangiograms
                       from 25 patients, diagnosed and treated during a 20-year period, images of different types of
                       bile-duct cysts are presented and classified. The disease usually presents with vague symptoms
                       and has a female preponderance. Current opinion on aetiology and complications is discussed.
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